Guide to Liposuction Treatments

Liposuction effectively refers to a surgical procedure performed by a cosmetic or plastic surgeon that removes excess body fat using specialized equipment and tools (specifically a cannula, which is a thin tube inserted through a cavity that enters the body and suctions the fats through surgery. The fact that liposuction uses small incisions means that the scar is minimal and inconspicuous (meaning it can be hidden) and is easily covered by clothing. One of the most important reasons that a person can choose such a method is to improve physical appearance and “correct” the irregular shape of the body as a result of excess fat. Liposuction may be performed on one or more areas of the body, including the neck and chin, cheeks, half of the body (including chest, back, or abdomen), arms, buttocks, lower buttocks, thighs, knees, ankles, and calf muscles.

This method is practical because it can bring the body into a more beautiful and desirable shape by permanently eliminating fat cells that are unevenly distributed or have been reshaped by special diets and exercise. This is not a solution for weight loss because this method cannot be used to prevent weight gain in the future, because fat cells can still store fat deposits after surgery, albeit to a lesser extent, and also a response to achieve the body. In the rest of this article, we describe the complications related to the cosmetic gynecology Dubai.


Uneven removal of fat cells and tissues.


More fat is removed than needed to achieve the ideal fit) and under-correction (excess fat in the target area is not removed.

Skin Indentation

Due to unnatural contouring), sagging (skin laxity), or skin irregularity (waving and drooping).


Especially in certain parts of the body, weak and incorrect incisions, sunken wounds, “hyperpigmented” wounds, “hypertrophic” or “keloid” wounds.


Formation of fluids under the surface of the skin.


Abnormal accumulation of blood outside the vessel that leads to swelling and blood clots in the tissues.

Skin Hyperpigmentation

Change in the color of the skin and nails similar to liver spots or age-related spots).

Nerve and Tissue Damage

Including skin or organ damage due to injuries during surgery (either through burns if heat is used or due to improper use of surgical instruments).

Perforation of Intra-Abdominal Tissues or Structures

Adverse reactions of anesthesia used during the procedure.


This is a rare complication and the result of anesthesia, especially when special solutions are used during surgical procedures).

Last Word

For more information and expert advice, visit the aesthetic and cosmetology clinic Dubai.

Guide to Liposuction Treatments